restart -f : restarts the simulation so new signals that you added will have values.do C:/julie/wave.do : recreates all of the waveforms that you made earlier.do testbench_run_msim_rtl_verilog.do : recompiles the simulation files that Quartus created.All of the commands below can be run through the transcript window It is useful though, if you are adding new modules, to just have Quartus automatically link everything up. Example path: “C:\julie\simulation\modelsim\testbench_run_msim_rtl_verilog.do”.īy doing this you don’t need to recompile Quartus and run Modelsim, you can just continually edit this file and run more ModelSim simulations. Quartus automatically generates these, and you can play around with it. The real power of Modelsim lies in your ability to create. Hit the save button (top left) and you can save it for later. So you’ve made a beautifully formatted waveform.Colors! Right click signal > Properties > Wave Color Colors…> Apply.Right click signal > Format > Analog (custom/automatic) Right click signal in the Wave panel > Radix > select what you want Represent a value as signed, unsigned, hex, ascii, and more.Right click in gray area of the Wave panel. Tip: Insert Dividers between signals to keep track of multiple modules.You can expand any multiple bit signal to look at a particular bit.Drag and drop signals into the wave panel By selecting a signal, you can see all of the internal signals in the “Objects” panel. In the Panel “sim” you can see all of the modules you have in your test bench.These are just a few of the things you can do with ModelSim Modelsim is a powerful tool that can be used at multiple levels. Settings Page after you have set up your testbenchĪdding the testbench module and.
One day if you work for a company that cares you can have multiple licences and thus multiple Model-Sim windows running at once


Note you can never have a resolution that is lower than the length of the tick though
Modelsim is a powerful tool used to simulate Verilog or VHDL code that you have written. The Quick and Dirty Guide to Using ModelSim with Quartus - Julie Wang 2014